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Klartecken för andra fasen av Fojos Etiopienprogram

Sedan 2018 har Fojo stöttat journalister, mediehus och -organisationer i Etiopien under programmet ”Media reform in a time of change: Promoting journalism and democracy”. Nu kliver vi in i andra fasen av vår verksamhet i Etiopien med nya förutsättningar och nya målsättningar. Andra fasen sträcker sig från 2024 till och med 2027 och har en […]

Social Fabric: Promoting literacy through fashion and arts

In December 2023 MERSA Media Institute, with the support of Fojo, gathered hundreds of young people in a festival of fashion and colour to spread knowledge about media literacy and disinformation through culture and communal gathering around the creative arts.

Traumautbildning hjälper reportrar att hantera konfliktens efterverkningar

Många kvinnliga journalister i den etiopiska regionen Tigray har stött på trauman när de rapporterat om en förödande inbördeskonflikt. För att hjälpa dem att läka och fortsätta sitt viktiga arbete, stöttade Fojo nyligen Ethiopian Women’s Media Association genom att organisera en utbildning fokuserad på mental hälsa och rapportering om trauma. Utbildningen erbjöd en trygg plats […]

Media viability in Ethiopia – A digital transformation

In response to the challenges faced by Ethiopian media outlets, Fojo, with support from SIDA and Danida, has spearheaded a transformative initiative to enhance media viability. As a result, The Reporter, a prominent media outlet, has gained substantial online traction and monetised its digital platforms.

Expanding voices: Empowering communities through local radio

Ethiopia faces hurdles in accessing inclusive mainstream media due to diverse communities, language barriers, and low literacy rates, especially in rural areas. Community radio serves as a vital solution, amplifying local voices, languages, and cultural expressions. Fojo’s support for community radio not only bridges these gaps but also ensures equal access to information across Ethiopia.

Community radio empowers youth to select their own spouses

High financial demands from parents have prevented young individuals in Ethiopia’s Kore community from marrying freely, often leaving them indebted and without homes. With support from Fojo, Kore Community Radio FM 92.3 initiated a mentorship program. This platform enabled community members to voice their experiences, raising awareness about detrimental traditional practices affecting the lives of young men and women. Increased dialogue has gradually granted Kore’s youth the autonomy to select their own partners.

Ethiopia establishes journalism educators’ network

Journalism educators in Ethiopia are establishing the Ethiopian Journalism Educators’ Network (EJEN) to bring together media academics from the country’s 24 institutions that offer journalism education. This article was published by our partner Wits University in South Africa on their website. Fojo supports the establishment of EJEN as part of our programme in Ethiopia. Written by Enoch Sithole. 

Local voices unite across Ethiopia when 35 community radio stations gather

Community radio remains Ethiopia’s primary information source, especially crucial in rural regions where it’s the sole means of access. As 35 community radio stations unite for the first time in a conference, discussing and learning in local languages, the potential impact spans millions of people nationwide.

Kidist Dejene teaches media literacy to her community

Kidist Dejene was a student at Haramaya University when she was enrolled in a media literacy training provided by neighbouring Bahir Dar University. The training changed her views and gave her another perspective, teaching her to be skeptical, checking content before sharing it or taking it in. She found it so inspiring that she wanted to share the knowledge with her community.


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