En milstolpe för somalisk media 

En viktig milstolpe nåddes i mars 2023 då Somali National University (SNU) lanserade en ny, internationellt erkänd läroplan för sin kandidatutbildning i journalistik. Utbildningen fyller ett stort behov för professionalisering av landets media och ger journalister de etiska verktyg och regler de behöver för att informera samhället på ett effektivt sätt.  Till följd av inbördeskriget […]

“We’ve reached a remarkable milestone”

Gender representation and gender-based violence in journalism are globally discussed issues, including in Somalia’s predominantly male-dominated industry. Despite unique challenges like limited resources, censorship, and ongoing conflict in the media landscape, strides are being made towards change.

Rwanda, Somalia and Ethiopia Journalism education exchange programme

Staff from nine university journalism schools in Ethiopia, Somalia and Rwanda participated in an academic journalism education exchange programme in Ethiopia 5-9 June this year. The weeklong exchange was organised by the Fojo Media Institute and hosted by the Fojo-IMS Ethiopia media programme.

Gender study launched in Somalia 

A new study, that will be distributed to all media houses in Somalia, highlights opportunities and gaps in laws and regulations on gender equality in the media and suggests areas of development. The study was presented and launched in front of media directors and practictioners, civil society members and government officials in Mogadishu earlier this week.


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