ZimMedia21: Increased access to reliable information

The three-year programme ZimMedia21 strengthened independent media, increased marginalized communities’ access to reliable information, and contributed to positive changes in media policy.

The objective of the three-year programme ZimMedia21 was “to enable informed citizens to freely participate, interact and contribute to democratic governance and development”. As media is key for access to information and public debate, the programme targeted credible mainstream and alternative media that can reach a large portion of the population.

The final evaluation highlights that our partners reached millions and that citizens were able to use access to information to create change. One example is women in a suburb of Harare that could expose corruption through Community Radio Harare and get rid of the use of bribes at a maternity clinic.

The support of media organizations enabled them to push for media reform. One result of that advocacy work is the licensing of more players in the broadcasting sector. During the programme period 14 community radios, 6 private TV stations, and 19 campus radios were licensed.

Read the whole report and learn more in the video about Community Radio Harare.

Programme information  


Strengthening citizen engagement in marginalised rural and urban communities through innovative media and communication platforms in Zimbabwe
Project duration: May 2019-August 2022
Location: Zimbabwe
Area: Media development
Donors: SDIA


MISA Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ)
Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ
The Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Initiatives (ZACRAS)
Gender Media Connect (GMC)
Media Centre & TellZim consortium
Bus Stop Tv
Magamba Network

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