Fojos arbete för mångfald och jämställdhet


  1. Development and implementation of a Gender Charter for the Media Sector, including support to local media houses to develop internal gender policies.  
  2. Stress and trauma management for women journalists (in collaboration with expert from Dhaka University).  
  3. Trauma reporting, how to interview and handle traumatised sources (workshops) 
  4. Internship programme for women students (media outlets, 3-month periods) 
  5. Empowerment sessions for women journalist students (total six session). With key-note speakers and promoting journalism as profession.  
  1. Women Leadership programme, newsroom management programme including emotional intelligence training (first batch of 12 graduated in December 2023) 
  2. The Myanmar Gender Catalyst Fund. Myanmar media outlets to propose initiatives that support gender in one of three specific areas: Staff, Content, and Audience.  
  3. Women in News Myanmar (part of Women in News programme). The scope will be extended to include not only newsroom staff but also women working in other departments such as HR, business, and administration.  


  1. Women expert directory, to increase women experts in news sourcing (with Ethiopian Media Women’s Association/EMWA) 
  2. Gender policy assessment, mapping existence and implementation of gender policy in local media organisations (EMWA) 
  3. Gender policy sensitization training in 6 six regions and 2 rounds of trainings in Addis (EMWA) 
  4. National gender policy development (with EMWA) 
  5. Gender sensitive election reporting (3 rounds of training in 2021 for Amhara region journalists and media managers)  
  6. The gender mentoring programme (for 26 students)  
  7. Koore community radio gender programming under the media viability programme (with Mensh) 
  8. Breakfast meetings on gender topics (with editors and Editors Guild) 
  1. Anti-sexual harassment committee and policy (research informed action, result of Barriers research with AWiM). Committee established and policy developed and adopted by 33 media organisations.   
  2. Gender clubs at J-schools (awareness raising on gender equality among students, student led gender sensitization of journalism education, with Women in Media Platform) 
  3. Coaching and peer mentoring for women journalists (resilience and career training) with WAN-IFRA.  
  4. Gender policies – 40 media organizations supported to develop such policies (local partner ARFEM) 
  5. Sexual harassment handbook/booklet (development, distribution, and training, local partner Women Media Owners for Change, WMOC) 
  6. Gender helpdesk – psychological support, local partner WMOC 
  7. AWiM23 conference on Media and Gender Violence (Fojo co-organiser) 
  8. Support to collaboration platform between (3) female journalist associations
  1. The Somalia Gender Declaration: A roadmap for action developed by Somalia Women Journalist Organisation. 47 media houses have signed.  
  2. Sexual harassment handbook translated to local language. It has been launched and distribution throughout the country. (Handbook developed by WiN/WAN-IFRA) 
  3. Visibility campaign to promote women media professionals (SoMe posts and stickers). A campaign to show the existence and important contributions of senior women journalists. 
  4. Leadership training for women media professionals by Fojo partner Media Women Network (training and mentorships). (Concept WiN/WAN-IFRA) 
  1. AWiM News – support to development of African Women in Media’s news service 
  2. SourceHer women expert directory – a regional database serving news media 
  3. Insights and Action – regional participatory action research project (collaboration Fojo and AWiM9 
  4. AWiM annual conferences (co-organising AWiM23 in Kigali) 


  1. Ny Kollega, Fojo’s fast-track programme for journalists living in Sweden but trained elsewhere. 
Balkan och Östeuropa
  1. Western Balkans: Gender and diversity mainstreamed in training programme for media mangers (in collaboration with civil society partners). 


  1. Fojo and Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) study on the broader enabling environment for gender equality in and through the media. Focus areas: media regulation, market dynamics and management/leadership/ownership. (2024)
  2. Gender and Media Regulation study – a global project to map how gender equality is integrated into media regulation and self-regulation (law and policy), so far including: Armenia, Bangladesh, Rwanda, Somalia, Sweden, Zimbabwe.


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