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Reflecting on Resilience in Eastern Europe

How are Ukrainian media holding up and what are their survival strategies amidst the war? Is it possible to monetize media content during the sharp economic downturn in Eastern Europe? Is there anything independent media from Belarus and Russia can do for their communities while being in exile? How to encourage young people to consume quality journalism and how to combat the unprecedented propaganda influences?

How is climate change reported in South Africa?

We called up Enoch Sithole, journalism lecturer at the Wits Centre for Journalism, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, to find out more about how journalists and the media in South Africa report on climate change and what the public perception of it is.

Global study on gender equality and media regulation

Over the years, a large number of studies have pointed at gender related problems in the news media, both in terms of representation and portrayal in content, as well as gender balance in staffing, management and ownership in the media sector itself.


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