The psychological counselling sessions at the Trade Union of Media Montenegro are usually fully booked. The sessions are one of several initiatives for journalists in the Western Balkan-region supported by Fojo, and part of a larger focus on improving the working conditions of media workers.
Like many places around the world, journalists in the Western Balkans regularly face harassment, smear campaigns and pressure from political actors and others in power. Threats to the safety of journalists have long been a concern.
“We firmly believe that true media freedom hinges upon the well-being and freedom of those who deliver it – the journalists and media workers. Sadly, in Montenegro these individuals’ reality includes low salaries, constant pressure, attacks and psychological strain. It’s imperative that employers recognise and address these challenges,” says Drazen Djuraskovic, Expert Associate at the Trade Union of Media Montenegro, the country’s largest member-based union for the media with over 700 members.
Drazen Djuraskovic supports several measures to ensure the well-being of journalists and media workers. He sees it as an investment in safeguarding media freedom. Through their collaboration with Fojo, they have successfully pioneered a programme in Montenegro, providing around one hundred media professionals with the country’s first comprehensive psychological support system.
“We have established dedicated contact points who are trained to assist colleagues facing challenges. We also offer individual counselling sessions and see a great need for this as the appointments are nearly always fully booked. Moreover, we run a self-support group which meets monthly under the guidance of a psychologist and will continue by developing a manual on psychological first aid,” says Drazen Djuraskovic who will keep working to enhance the support within the media community.