Fojo Media Institute - our impact on the media industry:

Sustainable leadership nurtures success in newsrooms 

For the third time, leaders from newsrooms across Sweden participated in Fojo’s Sustainable leadership and investigative journalism course. This year’s intensive course programme included workshops, lectures, individual coaching, homework assignments and digital check-ins. 

Kristina Levin, Editor-in-Chief at the local newspaper Södermanlands Nyheter was one of the participants. 

“One of the most significant effects of the training has been that I’ve dedicated time to my leadership; both education and inspiration, but also an hour every week for reflection and forward planning regarding my leadership. I’ve also teamed up with fellow managers with whom I regularly brainstorm ideas and discuss dilemmas,” said Kristina Levin. She is convinced that much of what she learned on the course will have a lasting impact on her workplace. 

“From the course, I take away the structure and the systematic work that I’ve learned is necessary to sustain as a leader over time while successfully achieving what one aims for, such as conducting impactful investigative journalism together with one’s team. Concretely, this has meant that we’ve formed investigative teams, and Södermanlands Nyheter now has a clear idea of how we view investigative journalism and how we approach it. Our first investigative pieces have been published, and more are in progress,” she added.

I believe it's when one feels secure and steady that you can dare to experiment and push boundaries, both as a newsroom and as a leader.

“I’ve also become significantly better at continuously seeking a balance between work and leisure to last over time. Working from home one day a week to be able to focus on strategic issues, for example,” she continued. 

“I also take with me my course colleagues. It has been invaluable to meet them in a safe environment and brainstorm thoughts and discuss dilemmas with them. We continue to stay in touch and support and learn from each other.”