
Ethiopian Media in a Time of Change: Promoting Journalism and Democracy

Carl-Magnus Höglund

Project Manager

Elham Ali Mehammed

Communications Officer

Johanna Ejderstedt

Project Coordinator

Robert Winter

Accounts Manager

Sofia Hultqvist

Regional Manager

Ethiopian Journalism Educators Network (EJEN)
MERSA Media Institute (MERSA)
Ethiopian Media and Women Association (EMWA)
Ethiopia Community Radio Broadcasting Associations (ECRBA)
International Media Support (IMS)
Independent media houses
Community radio stations
Sustainable Development Goals in this project
SDG4 - Quality Education
SDG11 - Sustainable cities and communites
SDG16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions
Journalism education
Media professionalism and viability
Media inclusion
Media freedom
Journalists safety
Gender Equality

Fojo’s development programme 2024-2027 seeks to strengthen the media sector by promoting quality and sustainable journalism, media viability, connecting the classroom with the newsroom and enabling democratic engagement and inclusion.

Fojo has in the last five years (2019-2023) supported journalists, media houses and organisations in Ethiopia when implementing the former Sida/Danida-funded media reform programme. Despite a very difficult context characterised by civil unrest, shrinking democratic space and increased polarisation, the fundamental gains achieved in the first programme phase, such as development of policy and legal frameworks, a coalition for safety of journalists, institutional capacity-building, strengthening journalism education, increased media viability, and improved gender equality, diversity and inclusion, will be maintained and further supported in the new programme.

The Ethiopian media remains an important pillar for strengthening democracy and respect for human rights, not least in today’s rapidly changing and increasingly digital information landscape.

What we do

Fojo is working closely with journalists, media houses, community radio stations, journalism schools, media organisations and other media stakeholders to increase their ability to contribute to a sustainable and democratic society.