Practically all media outlets in Eastern Europe experience significant financial challenges. They struggle with revenue loss from unfair competition practices, political interference, retaliation against independent journalists, and general lack of management skills.
Yet media play a crucial role in providing people with trustful and accurate information amidst the uncertainty and disinformation associated with Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the political turmoil present in several countries in the region. Despite this tough context there are media that retain independent ownership and remain committed to quality journalism, serving the interests of their audience.
Fojo has been engaged in Eastern Europe since the early nineties. In 2023, Fojo concluded a five-year programme which created and supported a cross-‑regional network of media‑support organisations in eight countries in Eastern and Central Europe.
Vad vi gör
To build on the relations built through former programmes, Fojo together with partners in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine set up a training programme focused on media management in times of crisis. The programme targets editors-in-chief of independent media. Among the topics covered are trends in the media market (including AI), risk management, strategic planning and leadership, and revenue strategies in times of crisis.
Emphasis is also put on how to create a better work environment and improve employee wellbeing – something which is also an important part of building a healthier and more resilient media house.
Networking is another aspect of the programme where participants can build strategic networks within and across borders and strengthen their resilience.
About the programme
Sustainable Development Goals in this project:
- –
- The Swedish Institute
- Media management
- Lifelong learning
- Media resilience
Veronika Menjoun
Project Manager
Sara Karlén
Project Coordinator
Marie Nilsonne
Account Manager
countries participating (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova)
years of cooperation within the region (Eastern Europe and Caucasus)
years long network with the current partner organisations
participating media editors and directors being a part of the network