In the Western Balkans, improving journalists’ working conditions has long been overlooked by media organisations and policymakers. However, Fojo Media Institute’s initiative has brought much-needed attention to this critical issue.
“Focusing on working conditions will inevitably enhance media freedom. A safe, free and supportive working environment ultimately helps journalists tackle challenges and motivates them to pursue even the most difficult and dangerous stories in the public interest,” says Ardita Zejnulahu, director of the Association of Independent Broadcast Media of Kosovo (AMPEK)

“Fojo has been active in this region since 2021 and has, for the first time in a long while, brought critical attention to working conditions, journalist safety and ways to enhance personal, digital and psychological safety in the media sector.”
A number of media managers from the Western Balkan countries gained valuable insights into the working conditions of Swedish media through Fojo’s study visits in Stockholm, Sweden and webinars throughout the project. Visits to public and private media institutions, discussions on regulatory approaches and testimonies from experienced journalists offered the participants a deeper understanding of how to address these issues in their home countries.
“For the participating managers, it was vital to learn about improving legal, personal, digital and psychological safety for journalists from the Swedish perspective. These lessons have inspired a commitment to apply these principles in their respective countries,” Zejnulahu added.
AMPEK, as a key partner, has facilitated digital security training for local media in Kosovo, benefiting 15 media outlets and significantly improving their resilience to online threats. During the first phase, AMPEK conducted digital security training for 15 local media outlets, equipping journalists with the skills needed to tackle digital threats.
“By addressing digital security, AMPEK helped improve the capacities of local media to counter online risks. This training significantly enhanced digital hygiene practices among media workers, creating safer working conditions,” Zejnulahu noted.
However, awareness of online dangers, such as disinformation and privacy threats, remains low among Kosovo’s local media. AMPEK’s efforts are working to close this gap.
“Cyberattacks on media websites are frequent and many lack robust cybersecurity measures. Additionally, Kosovo’s lack of a country-level domain makes government websites (.com or .org) more vulnerable to hackers. By training local media in digital security, AMPEK has strengthened media resilience and journalist safety,” she added.
The second phase of the project prioritised physical safety and mental health training for journalists.
“In the second phase of the project, AMPEK secured the participation of the Independent Media Commission (IMC), Kosovo’s national regulatory authority for audiovisual media. Involving decision-makers like the IMC Chairperson ensures that the insights gained from this initiative reach all audiovisual media under their jurisdiction,” Zejnulahu explained.
The trainings were designed based on an in-depth analysis of the needs of local media, particularly in the context of Kosovo’s socio-political challenges.
“These efforts have made a tangible difference in improving conditions for journalists and supporting AMPEK’s mission to promote a tolerant, democratic society through independent media,” Zejnulahu said.
Looking ahead, she advocates for expanding the initiative to include training for law enforcement and judicial authorities. “It’s vital for police and prosecutors to understand journalists’ safety needs and working conditions.”
Fojo’s initiative is setting a new standard for journalist safety and working conditions, ensuring media freedom is not just an ideal but a practical reality in the Western Balkans.
The project has been carried out with the support of the Swedish Institute.