All clear for the second phase of Fojo’s Ethiopia programme

Åsa V Andersson, aid advisor at the Swedish embassy in Ethiopia and Fojo programme manager Carl-Magnus Höglund signing the agreement that extends the media reform programme until 2027.

Since 2018, Fojo has supported journalists, media houses and organisations in Ethiopia under the program “Media reform in a time of change: Promoting journalism and democracy”. We are now entering the second phase of our operations in Ethiopia with new conditions and new objectives.

The second phase runs from 2024 to 2027 and has a total budget of SEK 28 million – funded by Sida.

“We are glad that Fojo will be able to continue to support independent journalism that contributes to a democratic, sustainable and inclusive society. The new programme will have a wide sector approach and include support to journalism education, independent media outlets, community radio stations, press freedom, journalists’ safety, gender equality in and through the news and media that enables inclusion and youth engagement,” says Fojo programme manager Carl-Magnus Höglund after signing the agreement at the Swedish embassy in Addis Abeba.

  • The programme has five main areas: education, professionalism, inclusion, freedom/safety and partner capacity.
  • The programme starts now and runs until December 31, 2027.
  • The total budget is SEK 28 million and is funded by Sida.
  • Programme manager is Carl-Magnus Höglund, coordinators are Johanna Ejderstedt and Elham Ali Mehammed and Solomon Goshu are programme advisors.
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